Scarborough had constables for the four town quartersof Newbrough, Oldborough,St.Mary's and "endcliffe".The village of Falsgrave was separate along the road,and had its own constable. These officials made a listin 1665 giving the names and ages of masters andseamen.
They were scattered around all parts of the town.Theport had 45 masters and 144 seamen ,making 189 inall.The youngest was fifteen, the oldest seventy.
Master mariners
Newbrough, William Attmar (40), Mrs.Sedman(40),WillCoward (44),Will Nightingale (44), Thomas Durke(56),John Coulson (55), ,John Osborne (40), John Dickinson(55), Matthew Dobby(36)Oldborough, Thomas Trott (35), Paul Batty(30), RobertRogers (50),Will Cooper (29), Paul Witty (50), Will Hodgson (55),Will Hodgson junior (20), George Camplin (27), RalphHopper (50), Chris.Hodgson (30),Samuel Hodgson (34),Robert Mellow (40), Richard Hopper (40), ThomasAllenby (30)St Mary's Quarter, Henry Nicholson (70), John Robinson(50), William Dodsworth (34), Thomas Fowler(35),Richard Wilson (40) Thomas Wetherill (50), JohnCoyne (35), Robert Kirby(44)Endcliffe, Richard Fidey (40) Thomas Beswicke(40),Leonard Herrison (50),John Potter (39), John Craven(36), Thomas Meggeson (27), William Meggeson (43),William Hickson (46), John Stainchurch (49), FrancisMeggison (40), John Cockerill (40)Falsgrave ,Thomas Cockerill (46), William Sanson(50),Andrew Robinson (26)
John Rushton