Here is the eighth "position paper" for the 2012 Harbour Research project. Corrections and additions are welcomed. The purpose of the document is to seek people who will undertake serious research on aspects of the history of the harbour.
John Rushton as at 11th January 2012
Surveys of the entire Undercliff Quarter
1570-71 survey of Undercliffe Quarter
Big rent payers in the Undercliff quarter in 1570-71 were Mrs Cook 25s, merchant Mr Gregory Pacock 48s, the draper William Spicer 8s 4d and Mr Lacy who paid several sums. The accusation was made c1600 that at Scarborough they have made a practice to buy houses and pull them down to sell the slates and timber to foreign towns.
The Hearth Tax of The Undercliffe Quarter, 1673,
(in the order listed, with number of hearths)*
John Clarke (1); William Conyers senr (2),john Cockrill junr(1),William Coverdale(2),John Salmon (2),Anthony Woodall(2),Richard Woodill(1) Mercy Duesberry(1),Richard Thompson (1)Widow Readhead(1),John Hewson(3),Widow Rosdale(2), Jane Porrit (empty 2,)George Welburne(2), William Catlin (2),Ralph Foord(4),Thomas Shepherd(1),Widow Standrigg(1), John Robson (2), James Wilson (1),William Garfit(2),Widow Lawson(2),Robert Minithrop senr(2), John Casse (3), John Chapman (1)Thomas Cowby(1),James Martingale(1),Mr.William Sanders (11),William Meggison (3),William Meggison more(2),John Moody (2),James Thompson (2)Isabel Hill (2), Samuel Burton (1),Thomas Dakon (2),Thomas Dakon more (2),Widow Lawson (1), the heirs of Skeld... (1),Widow Robinson (1),Mr.John Craven (3),Alexander Crispin (2),The heirs of Thomas Beswick (3),Math.....(2)........(empty )(1),Thomas Simpson (2),Widow Chaloner (1),Widow Ford (3),Widow Pepper(2),Faith Foard(1), Richard Hopper (2),Mr. Dodsworth (2),William Porrit (4), Richard Fiddy (4), Leonard Harrison (2 houses 7), Francis Beane and Abbot (4),Richard Beilbrough (6),William Cooper (3),Ellin Gradall(5),Mrs.Harrison (10), George Read (2),Widow Shimmings(2), Widow Sturtle (1),John Ashley (1),John Parre(8),Mr.Thomas Sothern(3), Mrs. Beswick(2),Peter Garbut (2),Anne Smallwood (7), Christopher Anwicke(4), Widow Ducke(4), Robert Moore(1), Francis Harrison (1),Francis Hickman (4), Mr. Dodsworth (3),Simon Dodsworth (2),Christopher Hart(1),Mary Chapman (1).Mrs. Dodsworth (1),John Cockrill(4),John Gatliffe (1),John Hickson (1),Thomas Barkham (1)
Also discharged by legal certificate were Lawrence Beverley (2), Robert Winthorp (1),Widow Lister (2), James Browne (1),Anne Broadley (1), Barbara Adams (1),John Ducke & Thomas Hog(2), Matthew Theakstone (1), William Topcliffe(1),George Browne(2),Widow Andrew(1), Richard Smith (1), Francis Hudson (1),Ellen Simpson (1),Thomas Tate(1),George Garnet (1),Widow Palmer (1), George Dickinson (1),William Bird (1),John Tod(1),Isabel Raston (1),Elizabeth Martin (1), Elizabeth Potter (1),Mathew Stiriker(1), Anne Richardson (1), Henry Garret (1),Mrs. Simpson (2), and Isabel Andrew(1).
An UnderCliff Poll Tax in 1698, paid at 1s a head*
Chris. Abbat,John Addison,Matthew Bassam (wife), Isaack Bellerby,Will Bennison, George Bibby, Samuel Braffit, Will Cant,John Cass,Will Challinder ,John Chapman, Richard Chesman, Francis Clark (wife),William Coulson (wife), Margery Coulby,Mrs Coupar (son),Francis Dale, Robert Dickinson, Mrs.Dorothy Dodsworth,Mary Dodsworth ( son), Mrs. Jane Dodsworth, Thomas Emlinton, Matthew Endick, Ffatewell Ford, (wife), Peter Garbutt (2 sons). Will Glew ( wife), Thomas Goulan (wife),Elliner Gradill,Will Hall (wife),Chris. Harrison (wife),Edward Harrison (Cloughton)James Harrison(Stainton),John Harrison (Stainton),John Hastien, Christopher Hart (wife). Roger Hart, Mr. Hickson (wife, servant), Will Hodgson,Mr. Bailiff Hodgson (& servant), Elizabeth Hodgson Richard Huntriss (wife),Will Huntris (master), Mr Laine (wife), Peter Maxwell (wife), Mr. Megginson (wife),John Morran, Robert Mour,Benjamin Nailer, Mrs. North & Grace Cockrill, John Parr, Robert Parr,Dorothy Pepper, Robert Porrit (daughter). Will Porret (wife), Thomas Porret,.Mrs. Katherine Robinson , Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Nicholas Saunders, Richard Sedgfield, Richard Sistance (wife), Mrs Sudarin,John Thompson (wife),Richard Thompson ,Will. Tindall (wife) and Widow Wetherill check(C 196 1689 polltax) (C 218 & C208 for 1692)
The list gives 67 names, 2 servants, 5 children and 18 wives ,.
Extract from an undated 18th century Rental of Scarborough,
(Alphabetical by name, but with notes added after 1767 in brackets)
This difficult document contains information of different periods.An original list has later information added (in therbackets), Some of the properties mentioned are not in Sandside but the rents may have been payable by people who were. Mention is made of “Governor Headlay”, who was spa governor
The later rent collector has great difficulty in finding where people are. His conclusions are not necessarily right, but the document contains much useful information about vanished people, public houses, even an Anabaptist meeting house and much more. The “hills” which carried ship yards and workshops are well noted.
--John Adamson.House late Cravens.1s3d.(Before you come to Mr Wharton’s Key end)
--Jane Adamson.part of stable,late Cockerills,4d .(JaneEmbries. Jane Adamson. Nearly opposite Golden Ball,between Mrs.Ti ndalls & Parkins lane.)
--John Awman. House late Rickinsons.1s
--William Awman.House late Harrisons.2s4d ,(Both together marked James Tindall
.Wm Awman .Mr. Tindalls houses.)
--James Braithewaite. Half a house late Disbroughs 1d,half the ground before the door 1d, half of another house, late Disbroughs 1d. (Jonas Bratihewaite. Behind Mr.Francis Coulsons houses & near Mr. Porrett’s back window)
--James Boyes.Parcels late Dickinsons. 6s10d. Cockerills late Hicksons . 8d (James Boyes,now Miss Boyes of London. Mr. W.Herbert tenant.The hinder part Mr. R ..Duesbery, now Mrs Headley tenant)
--Jane Body.House late Ducks. 2d.(Now Anthony Wardill & the adjoining)
--Milburn Botterill senr. Part of house late Parkers & Clarks 3d.(Now Mr.C Wilson’s in Castlegate)
--Francis Clark. House late Parkers 3d.House late john Clarke 3d, a ropery 5s. (Francis Clarke.One of these nearly opposite M. Wilson’s in Castlegate.The other Mr. Malings new house of Saturday market..The ropery now T Clarke, tenant ,Mr Woofe owner .)
--Christ Clarke. Part of house late ?augh ,sen .2s2d. Half paid by John Hewitson (Wm. Hebden pays 8d,Wm Stockdale,late Wm .Henry 6d.Late Mary Atkinsons 1d, Cath. Hargrave 2d.These were formerly C. Clarke’s at Sandgate)
-Mr. William Coulson, for his house, stables & “Hill” ,2s6d, part of a house late Martins 1d, another late Storrys 1d, another late Storrys 5d. (Wm. Coulson.The houses, George Moorsome’s Key end. All these purchased by Mr. George Moorsome of Thos Coulson, Jane Marshall & Thomas Colley and his wife).
--Mr.William .Cooper.for parcels late Ann Coopers.8s, for other parcels, 7s(Wm. Cooper .Now George Moorsomes .Key end.)
--Widow Cant..her house near John Serjeant.1s6d Ann Hickson. (Ann Hickson had rthe houses just beyond the hall,The house in long Greece where Geo Moorsome lived formerly)
--Mr.John Cooper a house late Pages,3d
--William Coulson a house late Dodsworths, 3d .a close 3d, a close 4d, half a close 6d
,a house ,2s4d, Bull lane 3d. (Received of Mr. Coulson 18s.These houses late Mr. Wm Coulson’s sold George Jane Marshall tenant. A close in Wreay lane,the Rev.M Dodsworth & Mr Coulson had it between them, but Mr. Dodswooth purchased the half, He must now pay for the whole.Mr Betson had the other half of the half close and Mr Enoch Harrison purchased Coulson’s half called Swan Hill close...near comon gate.Would this house be that near at t he low conduit-Bentley now tenant.It is the house Thos Colleye now lives in Key St. Bull lane now Mr. R. Duesbery’s
--Mark Cook for part stable late Addisons 2d.(Had a house in Parkin’s lane)
--John Cockerill A house & garth late Lawsons 1s6d. (John Cockerill.the house where Mr.Salmon lives in Castlegate.Mrs.Lawson widow 6? )
--Eliza Coulson,late Peacocks 3d. (Thomas Coulson now Fras,Coulsons Key End & Mr. Porrets.J. Richardson.)
--Mr.ThomasCoulson,parcels lateDodsworth 1s8d,piece of ground late the towns 4d
--Mr. Craven A close at Awbro gate. 5d? ( Dodsworth, the close now Mr Dodsworth near Peaseholme) -Dripplecoat lane,1d,-a house late Shakers & Clarks 2d.( The house behind Thos Wharton’s)
--Mr. Chr. Clark.-A garden late Clarks, 6d, a house late Sawdens Blacksmith..1s6d (Chr. Clark.the first house in Castlegate below high Westgate. )A close or outs late...holmes 2s.(The close now Mr. Thos Clarkes opposite his house)
--Henry Cleathing A house late Mat Endicke.2d, a” hill” late Harrisons heirs, 2s.(Henry Cleathing had a house in the lane opposite Guy Herberts Key End. The” hill”, now has a warehouse built on it belonging to Mr.Thos Wharton)
--John Coultas A house late Eshleys, 4d,(John Adamson.John Coultas had the house in High Westgate near Sprite lane etc.)
--Ann Dewsbery - Part of a house 4d, gavel 4d (Thos Lacon) part of a house,2d, (Ralph Betson.Now Mr Gilleys Key End. Paid 8s 1767.)
--Eliz Dunsley.House late Postgate,1s.(Had house at Quay end.)
--Ann Duck,for a house,10d.(Next Fras Garnett’s)
--Thomas Duck. late George Jeffersons ,5d,(The next house beyond Thomas Colleys)
--Thomas Dale. A house late Cradles.2s6d.(Thos. Dales .Now John Smiths near Mr. Hoppers)
--Thomas Duesbery A house late Johnsons 1d, another late Challenders,2d,& for an house late Theakstones 4d. (Thomas Duesbery.Late Matthew Duesbery’s houses Key end.Peggy Hollin lives in one. the Beerhive (written against this or the next)
--Christopher Dickinson.A house late Revels or Ewel? 6d.(Behind Mr.Fras Coulson’s house Key St .)
--Stephen Disbrough, heirs. Half house late Bral ? 1d, half of the ground before the door .1d,half of an house late same 1d. (Supposed to be Mr. Wharton as he married Disborough
--John Dickinson.Boatswain. House late Rennisons 4d.(John Dickinsons joined the above in Key Street near Mr Porritts garden wall ) .Parcels lateMr.Fras Hodgson.2s11d (Mr. R. Betsons)
--Thomas Dodsworth. A house late Potter, 8d.(Thos Dodsworth, near tjhe Rev George Dodsworth, Half of a close 4d.(Rich Leadley late half close in Wreay lane, the other half lately purchased of W, Coulsons heirs.) An house late Ffidies.4d
--Jeremiah Elmer. for a house late Moone ,6d.(Wm Gott)
(The next four entries are not in line and some doubt arises as to which are which)
--Sage Fowler.A house late Lawson’s,4d.(Key end,beyond the Dog & Duck)
--Sharp Foord Part of parcels late Chapman, 5d .A house late Sparklings 6d (Beyond the Golden Ball,near Murisons).
--Francis Fowler A house late Harrisons,6d. (His widow at the Anchor & Hope,Key end. Houses in long Greece, now Thos Johnsons wife,near Sage Fowlers, a little beyond the Anchor & Hope.)
--John Garbutt. Parcels late Garbuttt & Beswicks 8s5d. (John Garbutt,now Mr.Tindal’s ,late the Anabaptists meeting house).
--Mr.Robert Goland An house & close or garth 6d ,a close late Pates 4d, a close on Windmill Hill late Butlers 1s3d. (The house in Saturday Market where Mr. Robert Goland now lives.The close now brickyard near windmill. William Chambers & John Huntriss tenants.)
--Mr. Francis Goland A house late Birds 3d.(The house where Mr. Glover lives in High Westgate.Another Fr. Goland had a house in Key St .beyond Robert Golands.? whether Stephenson of Shields )
--Mary Hart. A house, 6d.( Now Jos Shepherd.....Key End)
--Elizabeth Hill. A house & gavel, .4d.(John Maltby. Shepherd & Hart or Short
now David Adamsons tenement near Thos Colleys.Ellis Hill next door to Mr. Thos Colleys beyond..The house where Samuel Hebden lives and his shop.)
--Eliz .Hodgson. A house 6d. (A grant to this house is now in the Hall among the loose papers.The house highest up in Castle gate , right hand side. Wm Taylor.)
--Richard Hudson for parcels late ditto 6d.(Now Wm Duesbery tenement inCastlegate
--Anne Hinderwell Parcels late Mrs Moore ,1s1d.(Thomas Hinderwell. Mrs Headley, near Mrs Tindalls, Sandside)
--John Headley ,Parcels lare Mr.Fras Fowler 3d
--Enoch Harrison’s widow Haslam’s & Mr Haslam ?-A house late Lumpe ?-1s. ( 1777.E Harrisons widow lives in it).
--Edward Hardy A house late Standridge ,6d. (Robert Sangsters. He was a baker.
Corner house of Whitehead lane . John Potter’s)
--Matt Leng. A house late Scaife 10d
--Mrs. Leafe’s widow for part of Crackles house 1s8d.(Wm Leafe, now Mr John Hoppers and that adjoining). A house late ditto-2s6d. (Matthew Leng had a house on the left hand side of Parkins lane in the yard going from Key st.)
--Mr.Megison A house & close late Thompsons,1s .His parcels 8s3d
--Ann Marshall.Ann for her house, 2s9d.(Ann Marshall)
--Ralph Marshall . A house late Fowlers 2s9d.
--Mat Marwan. A house late Russells 3d. (John Marwan, the Golden Ball or near it)
--Fran Moor .A house late Boyes, 7d.(Fras Moor, now Wyvill Todd tenant.Mr. Sutton owner in Saturday market. )
--Mr. Mowldes A house late Hicksons 5s2d.( Mr Mowlds, now John Sergiants )
--Peter Maxwell John Johnson’s land & other parcels 4s1d.(Now Ralph Parkins Sandside
--Mary Moor . Part of a house, late Martin & Storr 2d
--John Maling. For part of a house late Foords & c.1s6d.John Maling had houses on Bawdy Bank now Mr Thomas Vickermans
--Mr.Henry Nicholson & Paul Witty. An house & close 6d. (Priestman.Nicholson Priestman had houses in Merchants Row now Mr Dickenson & Duesbery.
--Joseph Naylor for part of a house & garth late Foords 1s6d.(Naylor house on Bawdy Bank,now Vickermans or Malings
--John Potter’s widow A house 2d B. Colley. Potter-weaver in Castlegate. Potter had two houses behind Mr. T. Whartons .The houses which were Potter’s widows were in the aft hand side going up Potter lane
--Jane Pepper. A house 1s1d. ( Cath Woodills house opposite the hall was Jane Peppers) .Shimminge house 1@d (? here.Now Jos Wharton tenant in Long Greece)
A stable late Sotherines 3d
--Mr. Thomas Porrett, late dales 11d (Mrs. Eliz Bell.)
--Mr William Porrett An house 6d. Stage before the door 8d. A close before Timothy Taylors 8d. A house late Rickinsons 4d. (Anthony Ruston now lives there in Potter lane
Part of Chapmans parcels 4d.(Mr. Wm.Porritt -the house and ground where Samuel Wharton now lives.Mr. Robert Goland married his daughter)
--Anthony Ruston . A house near Potters 4d.(The house between the Towns Hall & Mr. Herberts
--William Ripley. A house late Trotts 2s4d.
--Francis Ross. A house late Closses? 6d. (Francis Ross the house at the foot of Long Greece as you come towards the hall.)
--John Richardson for a house 3d (Near slutwell)
--Jane Richardson A house late Rickinsons 1@d
--Thomas Sotherine. His house & parcels 3s7d.(His house was opposite Mrs.Tindal’s.Adam Heward now tenants. Part of parcels now Mr. Clark’s garden opposite his house. The close late Beswicks was late Mr. T. Taylors now Rev Mr Burgh’s adjoining Sprite lane ). Parcels late Beswicks 4s2d
--Cornelius Stubbs House late Beswick’s 1s6d .(The house late John Robinsons in Key End, where he lived)
--Richard Sedgefield. A house late Cockerill’s 1s2d.(The house above the Old Custom House.)( be the house where John Robinson quaker lived-This possibly a detached entry)
--John Shepherd. A house late Margaret Storry.5d. (The house in Castle Dykes late W.
Postgates tenement)
--John Stark. House late Jacksons 4d.(John Starks widow lives in corner house of Sprite lane)
--John Settrington Parcels late Endicks 4d. (John Settrington had the blacksmiths shop opposite the Beehive now Christopher March tenant.)
--Mr. John Tindall’s heirs. Parcells late Conyers 2s4d Gavel 8d . Parcels late Moors 1s1@d Mr Tindall had the house Mathew Burn tenants-now Miss Hurrells in Castlegate
--Thomas Thornton’s widow A house late Pates 6d. (Thomas thornton now owns the house in Long Room street where Mrs Darley lives and that in Castlegate John Catling tenants.)
--Rachel Taylor of Scawby heirs. House late Abbotts 1s ( Rebecca Atty. Guy Herbert’s Key End this side of Thos Colleys).
--Thomas Thompson An house late Hodgsons 6d.(Thomas Thompson carpenter had a house below Rd Hudsons,the upper end of Castlegate opp.Mr. Clarks )
--Ralph Webster for his house 4d
--George Welborn An house late Sandemans 10d
--Thomas Wharton junr for part of parcels late Cravens 2s8d.( Refuses to pa
The survey of the other quarters of the town sometimes mentions Under cliff properties in the added notes -
--Henry Brasithewaite, A house late Disbrough and late Standriges 1s (Below Roger Harts shop in East Sandgate
--Mr Malings near Slutwell .
--Sam Troughton has a house near the staith
--Thomas Duesbery (St M).Houses near the Slutt Well or the Crane House between Whitehead lane and East Sandgate
--John Garbutt (St M) near slutwell,( this house where he now lives)
--John Harrison (St M) A house late Hicksons 5s8d ( just beyond John Serjeants ,before you come to the Hall .the sign of the Duke of Cumberland ,now Mr John Harrisons office )
--Roger Hart (St M)[parcels late Breckon 0.0.6@, (His shop opposite the Slutwell)
--Lovell Lazenby widow her parcels 4s1d. ( Lovell Lazenbys houses were at West Sandgate ,Crompton tenant to one,,Part bought by David Adamson other part by B. Ruston)
--John Leake A house late Chapmans 10d ( now Chr Leak’s Key End )
--Wm Maling of Sunderland Several properties,( some late Thompsons, the old long room and houses near it Fras Ward & Adam Heward tenants )
--Anon-The bakehouse near Joseph Taylors near Slut well
--John Robinson A house late Peacocks 4d .( S Stephenson )
-- John Robinson A house next Custom House .(Ann Marshall tenant)
--Anon - near Slutwell,( near Roger Harts)
--Wm Skelton His house 1s6d (Skelton water carrier, the houses beyond Mr Otbies in the Bolts .Skelton the coroner lives in it.)
--John Ward A house late John Adamsons near Matrhew Morwans 2d ( The house between Mr Tindalls lane and Parkins)
--Robert Cockerill(NB). A house late Hicksons 1s4d, a porch 2d. (This house is at East Sandgate Mr. Wilborn tenant , late the old custom house.)
--Francis Goland A house at Key end 8d
--Cuthbert Harper. Broadrick Barbers shop upon the sand
-- Pattison in Trowsdale Tenement in the bolts .A house late pattisons 2d
--Wm Brown(AB) House in St Sep St (lives in an old woman who sells apples on the sand ).
19th Century Census Returns are available, as are many directories, and ratebooks.