From the book "Filey - a Yorkshire fishing town" by Irene E Allen and Andrew A Todd
Throughout the winter months, irrespective of weather conditions, a familiar sight on Filey beach was ...
Charles Dickens wrote many factual books. This article was published in "Household words"in 1851
It was precisely on the 5th of November, 1851, that a terrible gale from the north-west set in. It rose very early in the morning, and b...
From the book "Filey - a Yorkshire fishing town" by Irene E Allen and Andrew A Todd
It isn't surprising that Filey Old Town developed a strong community identity. The men shared the same dangerous occupatio...
Filey and the gales of 1860,1867,1869, 1880
From the book "Filey - a Yorkshire fishing town" by Irene E Allen and Andrew A Todd
THE GALES OF 1860,1867,1869 AND 1880
It was bad weather, however, which was the commonest risk to ...
From the book "Filey - a Yorkshire fishing town" by Irene E Allen and Andrew A Todd
Naturally it was at sea that Filey men were most involved in the First World War. All Filey fishermen of military age were drafted into the Royal Nav...
This page features articles on this website that mention Filey in some way.
1799 - a great storm off Filey Bridge and a famous rescue
A great storm off Filey Bridge and a famous rescue in 1799 The following is an extract fro...
Climbing the cliffs in filey in 1779
A gentleman visiting Scarborough made a fishingexpedition along the coast in 1779. He kept a journalwhich descibed his landing. At some point he caught amackerel and some fine salmon trout. Filey was not yeta s...
Every place has its characteristic, and that of Filey is its hardy race of fishermen, stout, broad-chested, wide-shouldered; blunt and honest in speech, but kindly-hearted and open to every advance of truthful interest on the part of strangers. I...
Filey Fishermen lost at sea
Here are some plaques to Filey Fishermen lost at sea. They are in St Oswold's Church, Filey.
Published in History and antiquities of Filey in the county of York by John Cole 1832
Fishing at Filey is carried on at four distinct periods of the year; the first is when the large boats are fitted out, in the middle or end of January; they ...
The Filey Flither girls
A few years ago Yorkshire TV released a program made by a husband and wife Glen Crawford and Ann Morell-Crawford. This documentary presented an evocative and haunting insight into the lives of the Filey flither girls. These...
Filey fishermen are mentioned in ancient documents long before any are known at Scarborough. Even today, some old Scarborough fishing families have Filey roots. And yet Filey was as much a farming community as a haven of the sea, with its great c...
The Scarborough Mercury, of 2nd June,1860 reported a hurricane that hit Filey the previous Monday. It was truly "the worst ever" calamity to have hit the Filey. It came "so suddenly upon the coast that, in ten minutes, the calmness...
From the book "Filey - a Yorkshire fishing town" by Irene E Allen and Andrew A Todd
When the Scarborough Register of Sailing and Fishing vessels began in 1786, offshore fishing was done from boats of 50 to 60 fee...
From the book "Filey - a Yorkshire fishing town" by Irene E Allen and Andrew A Todd
The willingness of Filey fishermen to cover large distances in search of better fishing is shown by the local story d...
From the book "Filey - a Yorkshire fishing town" by Irene E Allen and Andrew A Todd
John Oxtoby was responsible for the great Christian revival which began in 1823. One of the first families to embrace the Primitiv...
From the book "Filey - a Yorkshire fishing town" by Irene E Allen and Andrew A Todd
The most famous tragedy in Filey's history must be the "Research" disaster of 25th November 1925. It is still remembered by the people ...
Some extracts from the Yorkshire Annals linked to Filey and Flamborough
1861:- July 19th. The town of Scarborough was thrown into a state of gloom and sorrow, in consequence of the upsetting of,a boat returning from Flambro', whereby the l...
This article is based on the research of Suzanne Pollard into her Great Great Grandfather and his parents. Her family tree links in with the Robinsons, The Bayes, The Allens, The Jenkinsons and the Cowlings. Four old portrait photos can be found ...